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With demonstrable real-world experience in cyber security, Insicon empowers executives and boards of medium and large enterprise with understanding, strategy, and resilience around cyber operations, compliance, standards, governance and risk. We can help you implement and execute intelligent solutions across your company to meet your unique risk management goals, including: 

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Governance, Compliance & Risk Advisory Business Consulting

Insicon are trusted advisors educating board members and executive leaders on their obligations around governance, compliance and strategy in regard to their liabilities and cyber posture.

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Cyber Posture Strategy

Insicon delivers strategy across multifaceted threat profiles in response to company’s unique risk appetites. Together, we actuate best practice strategy in response to real-time threats, identifying and remediating risk in an ongoing partnership.

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Technology Application & Acquisition

Insicon provides clear and unbiased direction as CISO-as-a-service (CISOaaS) across technology application and acquisition. We drive sustainable and continual improvement for your unique security posture.

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Standards & Certification Guidance

Insicon’s highly experienced and qualified auditors and implementors assist clients on the journey to meet standards and gain certification across products and processes, including ISO 27001, Essential 8, and NIST.

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Cyber Insurance Advisory

Insicon is instrumental in prioritising strategy to enable companies to improve their cyber security posture ratings with insurance companies, reducing premiums and increasing coverage for cyber protection.

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Best practice cyber driven by real world experience

Creating confidence in a constantly changing cyber landscape, Insicon partners with executive leaders and organisation boards to deliver independent, trusted advice by aligning best practice to meet each unique security posture.

Best practice cyber driven by real world experience

Creating confidence in a constantly changing cyber landscape, Insicon partners with executive leaders and organisation boards to deliver independent, trusted advice by aligning best practice to meet each unique security posture.

From educating on business risk and personal responsibility, to executing practices across technology application and acquisition, Insicon delivers client-centric support unique to the company’s needs. This enables boards and leaders to actuate best practices in cyber security strategy across medium and large enterprise, of which they are accountable for. With a focus on critical priorities, our service drives continual improvement across every stage of the cyber security life cycle.
Insicon combines more than 50 years’ real-world experience in cyber security consulting and cyber technology services. A range of services and skillsets encompass security technology design, architecture and implementation, ISO27001 auditing and implementation, security operational best practices, security strategies and roadmap developments at a CIO level.
Founded in 2013, the vision is for Insicon to be synonymous with cyber security intelligence as a trusted advisory and practical service at every stage of the cyber security life cycle.


Insicon works with you at every stage of the risk life cycle to render risk within your company’s risk appetite. All services, backed by Insicon’s ISO27001 certification, are tailored to your unique cyber needs and can be actioned on a project-by-project basis or as an ongoing service.  

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Seasoned cyber leaders integrate with your team and deliver ongoing cyber leadership as a CISO service, working with your unique risk profile. Focused on dynamic outcomes, this includes rapidly improving your cyber posture and benchmarking it against industry peers through best practice. This can result in risk remediation with direct benefits to cyber insurance profiles. Do you have someone who is responsible for the security within your company? If you need support, get in touch.

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Cyber Security Risk Assessment

Insicon’s comprehensive risk assessment identifies cyber risk unique to your cyber security posture. This delivers a deep understanding as we educate organisations on company threats and vulnerabilities, and the possibility of your identified risks being realised, and a blueprint to remediate risk. Have you got a risk assessment framework for the identification of cyber risks? If not, start the journey today.

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ISO 27001 Certification

Insicon can help you achieve ISO 27001 certification, an internationally recognised and risk-based standard, which demonstrates a robust information security management system (ISMS). Increase trust through secure policies, procedures, and processes, and reduce the chance of security breaches. Have you thought that ISO27001 is what your business needs but have thought it is too big and complex for your business to integrate? We can walk you through it. Contact us today

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Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Design + Testing

Your Business Continuity Planning ensures your operations continue in the event of an emergency, cyber-attack or disaster. Insicon helps improve your BCP by stress testing relevant scenarios and working with supporting services such as legal and insurance providers.
Ever thought what would happen if your critical systems failed, your employees couldn’t work, or what would you do to get your business back on track? BCP brings peace-of-mind with a tangible process, speak to one of our experts today

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Managed Essential Eight

Insicon can help you implement the proactive Essential Eight framework to bolster your defences, using Microsoft 365 technologies. Starting with a comprehensive Gap Analysis, we deliver a strategy that aligns with your unique operational needs – working to the Essential Eight maturity level relevant for your organisation. Essential 8 has become a go-to framework for many Australian businesses as the Australian Government is now mandating this. Do you know how this may impact your business? We’re happy to answer this question for you, contact us today.

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Director and Board Advisory (Governance + Compliance)

As cyber leaders, we advise boards and leadership on their obligations around governance and compliance. We explore directors’ responsibility and personal liability in addressing cyber security and managing risk according to new and existing legislation.
Are your Directors and Board members aware of their obligations in relation to the Privacy Act and the Mandatory Notifiable Breaches amendments? Our experts exist to help guide them. Reach out today


Welcome to the Insicon Academy, your go-to destination for comprehensive insights on Cyber Security. Our mission is to provide concise, informative articles covering a wide range of topics within the field. 

Fuelling Success Conference

Insicon partnered with the Citation Group to bring cyber risk into the spotlight at the Fuelling Success Conference at the Hilton, Sydney, on March...

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Cyber Security
Guardians of the Digital Space

In the era of digital innovation, Data Protection, Data Security, Data Privacy and Cybersecurity are often hailed as the custodians of our cyber...

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Cyber Security
Australia's Proactive Approach to AI: Balancing Innovation with Safety

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our world, unlocking new avenues for creativity and efficiency. Yet, it also presents unique...

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Insicon is advisor to Temple & Webster on cyber security, and they have materially improved our security posture. The Insicon team are experienced, knowledgeable and have a wide network of specialists available which significantly mitigates risks for our teams, executive management and board. 
Mike Henriques, Chief Information Officer at Temple & Webster